Fire calls forth fires from within yourself to affect the world around you. This power is available for all players for FREE during Character Creation.
Fire Tank guide is updated to GU73. You can check videos from DCUO Youtubers below to learn more about other loadouts and rotations.
Every tank has its own mechanics to survive NPCs attacks. These are the mechanics for Fire Tanking:
- In Tank role, you gain the following benefits
- +50% Health
- +50% Incoming Healing while not blocking
- Fire Soul – Gain +30% Defense while not blocking. As you directly damage Burning enemies, this bonus increases up to a maximum of +50% Defense wile not blocking
This Loadout is focused on Hybrid Playstyle allowing your character to use a mix of Weapon and Super power attacks. Players must unlock these stat points after unlocking required Weapon Combos , Weapon Mastery Combos and Movement Innates (7 Skill Points)
- Focus: Hybrid – Use 1 Skill Point
- Unlock Weapon Mastery Combos, and Movement Abilities before unlocking this Stat
- Critical Healing Chance – Use only 20 Skill Points
- Critical Healing Damage – Use only 40 Skill Points
- Health – Use 175 Skill Points
- Try to have the same amount of skill points on Dominance Points
- Dominance – Use 175 Skill Points
- Try to have the same amount of skill points on Health Points
- Restoration – Use 175 Skill Points
- Increase your healing effects after Full Dominance and Health
- Spend 5 Skill Points before going Full Dominance and Health to gain Restoration percentage increase
Click Power Icons to display their Tooltip






- Use Engulf [1A] to drag your target and nearby enemies
- Burns enemies
- Use Backdraft [2] to heal yourself while damaging and pulling enemies toward you. This is very helpful when multiple NPCs are hitting you and your tank needs a break
- Burning enemies are knocked down
- Heals yourself and Restores additional health when used against Burning enemies
- Stroke Flames [3] heals yourself over time and damage nearby enemies over time
- Burns enemies
- Burnout [4] is your Group Breakout ability. It provides immunity to control effects to you and up to seven teammates.
- Heals yourself and it is Usable while Controlled
- Great for instance mechanics where group members specially Healers and Controllers are vulnerable to control effects
- Immolation [5] grants you Shield protecting you from damage for a short time.
- Nearby enemies that attack you will be Burned taking damage over time.
- Burning Determination [6] Engulfs yourself in focused flames, healing yourself. Incoming attacks will trigger additional healing up to ten times.


- Engulf [1A] is the main tank superpower for getting NPCs aggro
- For some instance mechanics, Fire Tanks will need to use Fireball [1B] to taunt a single target (bosses or sub-bosses). The effect is more powerful and will not be broken by a standard Tank Role taunt
- If you want to have both superpowers Engulf [1A] and Fireball [1B], you can replace it with Backdraft [2]. However, this is not recommended.
- When engaging battle, start with Engulf [1A] , Stroke Flames [3], or Immolation [5] to inflict Burning to your enemies
- Backdraft [2] can be a lifesaver when you are being attacked by more NPCs that you can hold. It will knock nearby enemies down giving your healer a few seconds to rapidly heal you.
- Use it wisely and be careful on making nearby enemies resistant to its knockdown effect
- For those instance mechanics where 2 tanks are needed. Communicate with your tank partner and coordinate who will be using the Single Taunt ability.
- Having both tanks with the Single Taunt will let the group vulnerable for NPCs to attack them without the tank being able to drag multiple targets
Tactical MODS
- Absorption Adapter: Weapon attacks have a chance to activate a shield, reducing damage by 75% until damage equal to 30% of your Health is prevented
- Fortified Assault: Increases your Defense by an additional 10% while not blocking
- Fortified Blocking: Blocking increases your Defense by an additional 10%
- Breakout Protection: your Defense and Toughness is increased by 10% for 4 seconds after using the Breakout ability
- Breakout Regeneration: Gain Health regeneration for 4 seconds after using the Breakout ability
- Deadly Block: Your Block Counter causes additional damage equal to 5% of your Precision
- Quick Healing: Gain an additional 2% bonus to Healing Received
- Max Damage: Using super powers increases damage by 2% for a short time
Equipmend MODS
- Dominance & Might
- Health & Might
- Dominance & Restoration
- Health & Restoration
- Dominance & Health
- Health
- Dominance
Fire Tank Revamp | DCUO Snap On
Fire Tanking | ColinMF