Enough Envy: Mission

Heroes: Jesse, the embodiment of the sin of envy, has been gathering sinful energy so that he can free his father, Trigon. Wonder Woman and the Sentinels of Magic have …

Carnival at the Amusement: Mission

Jacob, the embodiment of sin lust, has his devotees working overtime throughout the Gotham Wastelands. Complete missions to thwart his efforts to awaken his father

Lust At First Sight: Mission

Heroes: Jacob, the embodiment of lust, has his minions working overtime throughout the Gotham Wastelands. Zatanna wants you to assist Wonder Woman and the Sentinels of Magic by thwarting Jacob’s …

Wrought With Wrath: Mission

Heroes: Jared, embodiment of wrath and son of the demon Trigon, is cultivating an environment of rage and suffering within the Gotham Wastelands. John Constantine wants you to help Wonder …

Virtues over Vices: Mission

Heroes: Citizens of Gotham City and Metropolis are being abducted by sin-driven cultists. Help Zatanna and the Sentinels of Magic prevent further abductions! Villains: Three new cults have appeared in …

Breaking Steel: Mission

Undermine the defenses at Steelworks and help T.O. Morrow acquire Steel’s tachyon research. Complete enough missions on the grounds and wear down their defenses.

Make Them Mad: Mission

The tension between Poison Ivy, Mister Freeze, and Scarecrow is on the rise. This open hostility is exactly what T.O. Morrow needs. But there is a problem: a hero from …

Divide and Conquer: Mission

Help T.O. Morrow drive a wedge between Scarecrow, Poisin Ivy, and Mister Freeze. They must mistrust one another so that the possibility of their future collaboration is rendered impossible.

WANTED: Oolong Siege Robot: Mission

Steelworks is under attack by T.O. Morrow and his robotic army! So far, Steel and his own robots have managed to hold them off, but the Oolong Siege Robot could …

Solitary Riot: Mission

The riot at Stryker’s Island has spread like wildfire, engulfing the prison yard and the surrounding area. You must ensure the riot is contained to the island before you can …

Infiltrating Ace: Mission

T.O. Morrow’s work at Ace Chemicals is a serious hazard to the environment. Stabilize the exterior of Ace Chemicals, then teleport inside to help Steel recover the Steelworks Prototypes.

BOUNTY: Cyborg: Mission

BOUNTY! LexCorp seeks the capture of the Titan, Cyborg. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Known to keep an eye on the Southern part of the …

BOUNTY: Starfire: Mission

BOUNTY! The Cult of Trigon seeks the capture of the Titan, Starfire. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Her contrail has been spotted in Metropolis’ Suicide …

BOUNTY: Kid Flash: Mission

BOUNTY! LexCorp seeks the capture of the Teen Titan, Kid Flash. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Often seen racing around Little Bohemia in Metropolis

BOUNTY: Donna Troy: Mission

BOUNTY! The Cult of Trigon seeks the capture of the Titan, Donna Troy. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Known to champion the Historic District of …

BOUNTY: Static: Mission

BOUNTY! LexCorp seeks the capture of the Teen Titan, Static. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Known to attract attention in the South Burnley area of …

BOUNTY: Raven: Mission

BOUNTY! The Cult of Trigon seeks the capture of the Titan, Raven. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Has been spotted brooding in Gotham’s Burnley District …

BOUNTY: Nightwing: Mission

BOUNTY! The Cult of Trigon seeks the capture of the Titan, Nightwing. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Known to patrol Gotham’s East End.

BOUNTY: The Flash: Mission

BOUNTY! LexCorp seeks the capture of the hero, Black Lightning. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Last seen bolting around Central City

BOUNTY: Black Lightning: Mission

BOUNTY! LexCorp seeks the capture of the hero, Black Lightning. Considered a threat to criminal activity: do not approach alone. Last seen bolting around Central City

The Run Down: Mission

The people of Central City have been infected with inertial energy from the ruptures in the Speed Force. Professor Zoom will not allow them to drain the power that should …

Reaping the Reapers: Mission

Paradox Infiltrators store large amounts of Speed Force energy. Slowing down and capturing them would allow LexCorp to harvest pure Speed Force from the creatures..

Speed Force Funnel: Mission

Massive ruptures in the Speed Force periodically open up in the area, Seal the ruptures and collect the remaining inertial energy for use in LexCorp experiments.