Filipino Fighters is the biggest Filipino league in USPS. The league has been in the game for more than a year and already stablished it’s good reputation in the game. It is in an active league with active members who run together most of the time.
We have a facebook page and PSN chatroom to make sure that every members still connect and communicate even out of the game. We conduct league runs everyweekend where all members come online and run all the hard raid content together. Our league has a League hall and all the proficiency that a league needs to have.
As of the moment We have 3 league banks with 5 Row of slots Each bank (105 bank league bank slots) and all the statuaries in the hall. We always max out our prestige every week which is a very important factor in finding an active league. Were a helping League that helps our player how to do certain raids and roles for them to be able to succeed in every mission that they need to get their cr higher.
The league does both PVE and PVP and encourage its member to do feats for their skill points. Our league is not just a league because we treat each other as family for we run every raid as one. It is more fun to play the game without language barrier so we created this league for every Filipino out there who needs a helping hand in the game.
If u want to join us don’t hesitate to massage Magetzhu in the game or send him a mail and he will get back to you as soon as he gets the message. Thank you.
CENSUS DATA | League 225547489663271278-2 USPS |
FACTION | Heroes |
SPOKEN LANGUAGES | Tagalog – English |
FACEBOOK FANPAGE | https://www.facebook.com/dcuofilipinofighters |
FACEBOOK GROUP | https://www.facebook.com/groups/dcuofilipinofighters/ |